Tuesday, 4 April 2017

Getting to know each other...

¡Welcome to my place my new friend! I'm Sharon Osses, the only daughter of my family, well...I have two brothers older than me, but they already have their own family so they left the house, for that reason I live only with my parents. Sincerely, I have no much to say about them, we are a family like any other or even more boring, but I love my family ♡

I studied in Liceo Francisco Arriarán, from that institution I have some friends with I keep the contact, and honestly I wish we can continue do that. 

In the liceo I end in love of chemistry and biology so I started looking for a career that would involve both, in that search I found Medical technology. When I finished my secondary school I enrolled in a pre-university to prepare me better and I worked at the same time to pay some of the monthly fee. Unfortunately, I couldn't get in, I was so sad in that time, but not everything is lost, I spend most of my life in a hospital, in a pharmacy to be exact, and I was always struck by the work of a pharmacist, although it was not Medical technology but it was chemistry, so then I decided to entered to the university (Universidad de Chile), studying pharmacy and well, this is my first year. 😃😃😃

And, if I tell something about my likes, it has to be the magic! yeah, I love the magic and I believe that really exist, maybe too childish but I really like it ♡ How you can be surprised and be struck by it without knowing how it happened, that mysterious style is so great. I want to be a magician hahaha. 😊😊

Well, that's my story, I hope I didn't bore you.

My regards for all ❤ 



  1. Hi Sharon! I really enjoy Reading your blog, Ilike a lot :)

  2. Hi Sharon! I love Medical technology too, was my first option, i liked the field of radiology, but I couldn't get in too... Nice blog :D See you!

  3. Sharooooooooon, I love the way you talk about your life, can be so simple for other, but your post sweetened me... I don't know why, but it happened, and the wallpaper helped hahaha

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. i enjoyed your post, i want to read more

  6. Hi Sharon! I really love your blog😄
    I hope read more about you and your life.
    Magic? So cool!

  7. Hi sharon, I liked your story! remember that I'll help you in this first year in the career, I see you soon (:
