Tuesday 16 May 2017

A photograph you like

Hi everyone.😁

I really don't know about the evolution of cameras, and I've never have one but I would like to have one some day, because I think there are places so beautiful that the only way to monopolize them is for a picture, a place like the forest or the rivers, the sky, etc. Also it allows to preserve memories, special moments, in that fact I have an special moment that I want to share but it wasn't with a digital camera but with a smartphone. Is true that the digital camera are in danger of disappear, well, that's what I think 'cause everyone use more the cellphone to take picture, in my case is the same, just what I mention.
Ahm... Return to the theme,😂 my favourite picture is about my niece, when she born, it was two years ago about November. when my brother told me that she was born, I was so excited that I run to the hospital to see her, when I found her, she was so small and cute♥, I love the moment when I have her in my arms.

The first image was taken by my brother, after she born. That moment was important to me because she's my first niece, and I love her so much, now she grew up healthy and  happy, she's always smiling ^^ well, the second picture is a current one, that photograph was taken by my mother when we are visiting my brother.👀

Well, that's it for now, I hope I didn't bore you and regards for all ☺